
Blue Nile Botanicals

Dragon's Blood Resin Pcs. & Pwd.

$ 10.00

Blue Nile Botanicals

Dragon's Blood Resin Pcs. & Pwd.

$ 10.00

Scientific names: Croton Lechleri
Common names: Dragon's Blood also is known as sangre de grado, sangre de drago, and drago.

What is it used for?

Sangre de grado, Spanish for “blood of the dragon,” has a long history of use for both the bark and the resin. An early reference dating back to the 1600s notes that Spanish explorer P. Bernabe Cobo found the sap was being used by indigenous tribes throughout Peru and Ecuador. C. lechleri resin and bark are used in traditional medicine in South America. They used it internally and externally to stop bleeding, help heal wounds, and treat intestinal problems.